If you have encountered a problem with DIVINE, please check below whether there is an active ticket for your issue. Otherwise, please login with GitHub and report your issue. Thank you.

{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (49 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Milestone 4.3 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#87 Struct self-assignment results in assertion failure in memcpy DiOS defect mornfall accepted 10/08/2019
#92 divine info is outdated DiOS defect Vladimír Štill accepted 10/17/2019
#53 divcc: Investigate and fix coreutils' ls divcc defect blurry assigned 02/18/2019
#60 missing __sym_sitofp other defect Henrich Lauko assigned 05/17/2019
#4 Implement exec --symbolic. MC feature adamatousek assigned 05/15/2018
#62 Generate concrete counterexample from smt. MC feature Henrich Lauko assigned 05/24/2019
#49 Build system should check for minimal version of Z3 other defect Henrich Lauko assigned 02/01/2019
#59 Make it possible for `step --over` to stop on thread switch sim defect mornfall new 04/02/2019
#90 VFS: Divine segfaults while loading when capturing a diffutils directory DiOS defect new 10/15/2019

Milestone 4.4 (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#94 sim: Signed integer value is shown as unsigned. sim defect Vladimír Štill accepted 10/21/2019
#95 sim: Integers < -5 appearing in dbg.value are discarded. sim defect mornfall accepted 10/21/2019
#106 make: CMake does not set PYTHON_INTERP during libcxx configuration other defect Vladimír Štill accepted 01/28/2020
#105 make: Move any compilation out of make install other feature mornfall accepted 01/21/2020
#25 Make metadata exception map lock-free VM feature adamatousek assigned 12/17/2018
#107 unreachable executed: unknown binary operation fp.leq DiOS defect Henrich Lauko assigned 01/29/2020
#69 Fix linking with lld divcc defect blurrymoi new 06/28/2019
#113 make install fails for DIVINE 4.4.2 on Debian 10 other defect mornfall new 08/28/2020
#120 Divine-4.4.2 was built failed in ubuntu 20.04 other defect mornfall new 08/24/2022
#122 Verify properties described using LTL formulas other feature mornfall new 04/20/2023
#55 Store snapshots in 2 layers. VM task mornfall new 02/19/2019
#64 Integrate Ballista into DiOS' testsuite. DiOS task new 06/06/2019
#66 Re-write addSection in terms of llvm code. divcc task blurrymoi new 06/11/2019
#68 sysconf macros should be inferred via hostabi DiOS task new 06/28/2019
#121 Where can I get the extract-llvm from? other feature mornfall new 09/06/2022

Milestone 4.5 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#43 Fix thread_local VM defect mornfall accepted 01/21/2019
#116 Divine fails to build on distributions with recent glibc and GNU toolchain other defect mornfall new 09/02/2021
#118 libc: isatty(3) is POSIX-nonconformant DiOS defect new 09/02/2021
#117 Possibility of symbolic argc + argv other feature mornfall new 09/02/2021
#119 libc: make return value of isatty(3) user configurable DiOS feature new 09/02/2021

Milestone 5.0 (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#44 Multi-Threaded Performance Doesn't Scale other defect mornfall accepted 01/25/2019
#19 SYM: Spurious errors due to infeasible explicit values LART defect Henrich Lauko assigned 12/06/2018
#26 The weakmem runtime leaks memory DiOS defect Vladimír Štill assigned 12/18/2018
#72 Termination testing our data structures other defect xstill assigned 07/03/2019
#47 Benchmark abstraction cleanup influence DiOS task Henrich Lauko assigned 01/30/2019
#39 Hunt down libc functions that should be defined weak DiOS task blurry assigned 01/16/2019
#6 Improve support for debugging inlined functions sim defect mornfall new 06/05/2018
#10 Memory leak from symbolic values. DiOS defect new 11/05/2018
#45 Add support for __atomic_* libcalls DiOS defect new 01/27/2019
#123 How to use the command line to check whether a C program satisfies the LTL nature other defect mornfall new 04/18/2024
#32 Allow usermeta layers to be weak (debug). VM feature mornfall new 01/14/2019
#33 Return the list of leaked objects back to userspace. VM feature mornfall new 01/14/2019
#34 Add _VM_T_StackTrace to __vm_trace. VM feature mornfall new 01/14/2019
#35 Track origins of memory objects. DiOS feature new 01/14/2019
#40 Error with _SYM and array indexing (worked in 4.1.6) LART feature Henrich Lauko new 01/17/2019
#31 Capture 'mount points' are confusing. UI task mornfall new 01/10/2019
#51 Write a style guide. other task mornfall new 02/04/2019
#30 Possibly move divine's version() out of UI. UI feature mornfall new 01/08/2019
#104 build Divine against system LLVM 13 other feature mornfall new 01/14/2020
#63 Use refcount_ptr in DiOS. DiOS task new 06/02/2019
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.