include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${DIVINE_INCLUDES} ) include_directories( SYSTEM ${DIVINE_SYS_INCLUDES} ) add_definitions( ${LLVM_COMPILE_FLAGS} ) add_definitions( ${DIVINE_DEFINES} ) add_executable( runtime-cc runtime-cc.cpp ) add_executable( runtime-ld runtime-ld.cpp ) target_link_libraries( runtime-cc divine-cc ) target_link_libraries( runtime-ld divine-cc ) add_executable( divine divine.cpp ) set_source_files_properties( lart.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fno-rtti ) add_executable( lart lart.cpp ) target_link_libraries( lart liblart LLVMCore LLVMSupport LLVMIRReader LLVMBitReader LLVMBitWriter LLVMTransformUtils LLVMAnalysis ) target_link_libraries( divine divine-ui divine-rt ) if ( OPT_SQL ) add_executable( divbench benchmark.cpp bench-report.cpp bench-run.cpp bench-external.cpp ) target_link_libraries( divbench divine-ui divine-rt pthread ) endif() add_executable( divcheck divcheck.cpp ) target_link_libraries( divcheck divine-ui divine-rt ) if( NOT WIN32 ) target_link_libraries( divine pthread ) target_link_libraries( divcheck pthread ) endif( NOT WIN32 ) if( OPT_HOARD ) target_link_libraries( divine hoard ) endif() if( OPT_TBBMALLOC ) target_link_libraries( divine tbbmalloc ) endif() set( MAKE_STRING_CONST "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" ) # target_link_libraries( divine lpsolve ) if( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" ) target_link_libraries( divine rt ) endif() if( OPT_LTL2DSTAR ) target_link_libraries( divine ltl2dstar ) endif( OPT_LTL2DSTAR ) if( WIN32 ) set( INSTALL_BIN_DEST ./ ) else( WIN32 ) set( INSTALL_BIN_DEST bin ) endif( WIN32 ) install( TARGETS divine DESTINATION ${INSTALL_BIN_DEST} COMPONENT console_tools ) # NB. Must be here (and not in the toplevel cmakelists) to ensure correct # action ordering during install. install( SCRIPT ../releng/install-rpath.cmake )