// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* * (c) 2017 Petr Ročkai * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace benchmark { int Import::modrev() { std::stringstream rev_q; rev_q << "select max(revision) from model group by name, variant having name = ? and variant " << (_variant.empty() ? "is null" : "= ?"); nanodbc::statement rev( _conn, rev_q.str() ); rev.bind( 0, _name.c_str() ); if ( !_variant.empty() ) rev.bind( 1, _variant.c_str() ); int next = 1; try { auto r = nanodbc::execute( rev ); r.first(); next = 1 + r.get< int >( 0 ); } catch (...) {} return next; } bool Import::files() { if ( _name.empty() ) _name = _files[0]; auto str = fs::readFile( _script ); std::vector< uint8_t > data( str.begin(), str.end() ); int script_id = odbc::unique_id( _conn, "source", odbc::Keys{ "text" }, odbc::Vals{ data } ); std::set< std::pair< std::string, int > > file_ids; for ( auto file : _files ) { auto src = fs::readFile( file ); std::vector< uint8_t > data( src.begin(), src.end() ); int file_id = odbc::unique_id( _conn, "source", odbc::Keys{ "text" }, odbc::Vals{ data } ); file_ids.emplace( file, file_id ); } auto next_rev = modrev(); for ( int rev = 1; rev < next_rev; ++rev ) { nanodbc::statement get_script( _conn, "select script from model where name = ? and revision = ? and variant = ?" ); get_script.bind( 0, _name.c_str() ); get_script.bind( 1, &rev ); if ( _variant.empty() ) get_script.bind_null( 2 ); else get_script.bind( 2, _variant.c_str() ); auto scr_id = get_script.execute(); if ( !scr_id.first() ) continue; /* does not exist */ if ( scr_id.get< int >( 0 ) != script_id ) continue; /* no match */ nanodbc::statement get_files( _conn, "select model_srcs.filename, model_srcs.source from " "model join model_srcs on model_srcs.model = model.id " "where model.revision = ? and model.name = ? and model.variant = ?" ); get_files.bind( 0, &rev ); get_files.bind( 1, _name.c_str() ); if ( _variant.empty() ) get_files.bind_null( 2 ); else get_files.bind( 2, _variant.c_str() ); auto file = get_files.execute(); int match = 0, indb = 0; while ( file.next() ) { auto k = std::make_pair( file.get< std::string >( 0 ), file.get< int >( 1 ) ); if ( file_ids.count( k ) ) ++ match; ++ indb; } if ( match == indb && match == int( file_ids.size() ) ) { std::cerr << "W: not imported, identical model present as revision " << rev << std::endl; return false; } } odbc::Keys keys_mod{ "name", "revision", "script" }; odbc::Vals vals_mod{ _name, next_rev, script_id }; if ( !_variant.empty() ) keys_mod.push_back( "variant" ), vals_mod.push_back( _variant ); _id = odbc::unique_id( _conn, "model", keys_mod, vals_mod ); for ( auto p : file_ids ) { odbc::Keys keys_tie{ "model", "filename", "source" }; odbc::Vals vals_tie{ _id, p.first, p.second }; auto ins = odbc::insert( _conn, "model_srcs", keys_tie, vals_tie ); nanodbc::execute( ins ); }; return true; } void Import::tag() { for ( auto tag : _tags ) { int tag_id = odbc::unique_id( _conn, "tag", odbc::Keys{ "name" }, odbc::Vals{ tag } ); odbc::Vals vals{ _id, tag_id }; auto ins = odbc::insert( _conn, "model_tags", odbc::Keys{ "model", "tag" }, vals ); ins.execute(); } } void Schedule::run() { int inst = odbc::get_instance( *this, _conn ); std::cerr << "instance = " << inst << std::endl; std::stringstream q; /* XXX check that highest id is always the latest revision? */ q << "select max( model.id ), model.name from model " << "join model_tags on model.id = model_tags.model " << "join tag on tag.id = model_tags.tag "; if ( !_tag.empty() ) q << " where tag.name = ? "; q << "group by model.name, model.variant "; std::cerr << q.str() << std::endl; nanodbc::statement find( _conn, q.str() ); if ( !_tag.empty() ) find.bind( 0, _tag.c_str() ); auto mod = find.execute(); while ( mod.next() ) { nanodbc::statement ins( _conn, "insert into job ( model, instance, status ) " "values (?, ?, 'P')" ); int mod_id = mod.get< int >( 0 ); ins.bind( 0, &mod_id ); ins.bind( 1, &inst ); ins.execute(); std::cerr << "scheduled " << mod.get< std::string >( 1 ) << std::endl; } } void Cmd::setup() { try { if ( _odbc.empty() ) _odbc = std::getenv( "DIVBENCH_DB" ); _conn.connect( _odbc ); } catch ( nanodbc::database_error &err ) { std::cerr << "could not connect: " << err.what() << std::endl; } } } namespace cmd = brick::cmd; using namespace benchmark; int main( int argc, const char **argv ) { auto validator = cmd::make_validator(); auto args = cmd::from_argv( argc, argv ); auto opts_db = cmd::make_option_set< Cmd >( validator ) .option( "[-d {string}]", &Cmd::_odbc, "ODBC connection string (default: $DIVBENCH_DB)" ); auto opts_import = cmd::make_option_set< Import >( validator ) .option( "[--name {string}]", &Import::_name, "model name (default: filename)" ) .option( "[--variant {string}]", &Import::_variant, "model variant (default: null)" ) .option( "[--tag {string}]", &Import::_tags, "tag(s) to assign to the model" ) .option( "[--file {string}]", &Import::_files, "a (source) file to import" ) .option( "[--script {string}]", &Import::_script, "a build/verify script" ); auto opts_report_base = cmd::make_option_set< ReportBase >( validator ) .option( "[--by-tag]", &ReportBase::_by_tag, "group results by tags" ) .option( "[--aggregate {string}]", &ReportBase::_agg, "run aggregation (default: avg)" ) .option( "[--watch]", &ReportBase::_watch, "refresh the results in a loop" ) .option( "[--result {string}]", &ReportBase::_result, "only include runs with one of given results (default: VE)" ); auto opts_report = cmd::make_option_set< Report >( validator ) .option( "[--list-instances]", &Report::_list_instances, "show available instances" ) .option( "[--instance {int}]", &Report::_instance, "show results for a given instance" ); auto opts_compare = cmd::make_option_set< Compare >( validator ) .option( "[--field {string}]", &Compare::_fields, "include a field in the comparison" ) .option( "[--instance {int}]", &Compare::_instances, "compare given instances" ); auto opts_job = cmd::make_option_set< JobBase >( validator ) .option( "[--tag {string}]", &JobBase::_tag, "only take models with a given tag" ); auto opts_run = cmd::make_option_set< Run >( validator ) .option( "[--single]", &Run::_single, "run only single benchmark" ); auto opts_external = cmd::make_option_set< External >( validator ) .option( "--driver {string}", &External::_driver, "external divcheck driver" ); auto cmds = cmd::make_parser( cmd::make_validator() ) .command< Import >( opts_db, opts_import ) .command< Schedule >( opts_db, opts_job ) .command< ScheduleExternal >( opts_db, opts_external, opts_job ) .command< Report >( opts_db, opts_report_base, opts_report ) .command< Compare >( opts_db, opts_report_base, opts_compare ) .command< Run >( opts_db, opts_run, opts_job ) .command< RunExternal >( opts_db, opts_external, opts_run, opts_job ); auto cmd = cmds.parse( args.begin(), args.end() ); cmd.match( [&]( Cmd &cmd ) { cmd.setup(); cmd.run(); } ); return 0; }