// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* * A brick for writing backtracking, recursive-descent parsers. This is plain * C++98 with some exceptions (guarded by #ifdefs). The goal here is to make it * easy to write parsers in C++ -- anything based on this code is not going to * be very fast. If you are after speed, look at parser generators or at boost. */ /* * (c) 2013-2014 Petr Ročkai * (c) 2013 Jan Kriho */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef BRICK_PARSE_H #define BRICK_PARSE_H namespace brick { namespace parse { struct Position { std::string source; int line; int column; Position() : source("-"), line(1), column(1) {} bool operator==( const Position &o ) const { return o.source == source && o.line == line && o.column == column; } }; template< typename _Id > struct Token { typedef _Id Id; Id id; std::string data; Position position; bool _valid; bool valid() { return _valid; } Token( Id _id, char c ) : id( _id ), _valid( true ) { data.push_back( c ); } Token( Id _id, std::string d ) : id( _id ), data( d ), _valid( true ) {} Token() : id( Id( 0 ) ), _valid( false ) {} bool operator==( const Token &o ) const { return o._valid == _valid && o.id == id && o.data == data && o.position == position; } }; template< typename X, typename Y > inline std::ostream &operator<<( std::ostream &o, const std::pair< X, Y > &x ) { return o << "(" << x.first << ", " << x.second << ")"; } /* * This is a SLOW lexer (at least compared to systems like lex/flex, which * build a finite-state machine to make decisions per input character. We could * do that in theory, but it would still be slow, since we would be in effect * interpreting the FSM anyway, while (f)lex uses an optimising compiler like * gcc. So while this is friendly and flexible, it won't give you a fast * scanner. */ template< typename Token, typename Stream > struct Lexer { Stream &stream; typedef std::deque< char > Window; Window _window; Position current; Token _match; void shift() { ASSERT( !stream.eof() ); std::string r = stream.remove(); std::copy( r.begin(), r.end(), std::back_inserter( _window ) ); } bool eof() { return _window.empty() && stream.eof(); } std::string window( unsigned n ) { bool valid = ensure_window( n ); ASSERT( valid ); static_cast< void >( valid ); std::deque< char >::iterator b = _window.begin(), e = b; e += n; return std::string( b, e ); } bool ensure_window( unsigned n ) { while ( _window.size() < n && !stream.eof() ) shift(); return _window.size() >= n; } void consume( int n ) { for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if ( _window[i] == '\n' ) { current.line ++; current.column = 1; } else current.column ++; } std::deque< char >::iterator b = _window.begin(), e = b; e += n; _window.erase( b, e ); } void consume( const std::string &s ) { consume( s.length() ); } void consume( const Token &t ) { // std::cerr << "consuming " << t << std::endl; consume( t.data ); } void keep( typename Token::Id id, const std::string &data ) { Token t( id, data ); t.position = current; if ( t.data.length() > _match.data.length() ) _match = t; } template< typename I > bool match( I begin, I end ) { if ( !ensure_window( end - begin ) ) return false; return std::equal( begin, end, _window.begin() ); } void match( const std::string &data, typename Token::Id id ) { if ( match( data.begin(), data.end() ) ) return keep( id, data ); } #if 0 void match( Regexp &r, typename Token::Id id ) { unsigned n = 1, max = 0; while ( r.match( window( n ) ) ) { if ( max && max == r.matchLength( 0 ) ) return keep( id, window( max ) ); max = r.matchLength( 0 ); ++ n; } } #endif void match( int (*first)(int), int (*rest)(int), typename Token::Id id ) { unsigned n = 1; if ( !ensure_window( 1 ) ) return; if ( !first( _window[0] ) ) return; while ( true ) { ++ n; if ( ensure_window( n ) && rest( _window[ n - 1 ] ) ) continue; return keep( id, window( n - 1 ) ); } } void match( const std::string &from, const std::string &to, typename Token::Id id ) { if ( !match( from.begin(), from.end() ) ) return; Window::iterator where = _window.begin(); int n = from.length(); where += n; while ( true ) { if ( !ensure_window( n + to.length() ) ) return; if ( std::equal( to.begin(), to.end(), where ) ) return keep( id, window( n + to.length() ) ); ++ where; ++ n; } } void skipWhile( int (*pred)(int) ) { while ( !eof() && pred( window( 1 )[ 0 ] ) ) consume( 1 ); } void skipWhitespace() { skipWhile( isspace ); } Token decide() { Token t; std::swap( t, _match ); consume( t ); return t; } Lexer( Stream &s ) : stream( s ) {} }; template< typename Token, typename Stream > struct ParseContext { Stream *_stream; Stream &stream() { ASSERT( _stream ); return *_stream; } std::deque< Token > window; int window_pos; int position; std::string name; typedef ParseContext< Token, Stream > This; std::vector< This > children; struct Fail { enum Type { Syntax, Semantic }; int position; const char *expected; Type type; bool operator<( const Fail &other ) const { return position > other.position; } Fail( const char *err, int pos, Type t = Syntax) { expected = err; position = pos; type = t; } ~Fail() throw () {} }; std::priority_queue< Fail > failures; void clearErrors() { failures = std::priority_queue< Fail >(); } void error( std::ostream &o, std::string prefix, const Fail &fail ) { Token t = window[ fail.position ]; switch ( fail.type ) { case Fail::Syntax: o << prefix << "expected " << fail.expected << " at line " << t.position.line << ", column " << t.position.column << ", but seen " << Token::tokenName[ static_cast< int >( t.id ) ] << " '" << t.data << "'" << std::endl; return; case Fail::Semantic: o << prefix << fail.expected << " at line " << t.position.line << ", column " << t.position.column << std::endl; return; } } void errors( std::ostream &o ) { for ( This & pc : children ) pc.errors( o ); if ( failures.empty() ) return; std::string prefix; switch ( failures.top().type ) { case Fail::Syntax: o << "parse"; break; case Fail::Semantic: o << "semantic"; break; } o << " error in context " << name << ": "; if ( failures.size() > 1 ) { o << failures.size() << " rightmost alternatives:" << std::endl; prefix = " "; } while ( !failures.empty() ) { error( o, prefix, failures.top() ); failures.pop(); } } Token remove() { if ( int( window.size() ) <= window_pos ) { Token t; do { t = stream().remove(); } while ( t.id == Token::Comment ); // XXX window.push_back( t ); } ++ window_pos; ++ position; return window[ window_pos - 1 ]; } void rewind( int n ) { ASSERT( n >= 0 ); ASSERT( n <= window_pos ); window_pos -= n; position -= n; } This & createChild( Stream &s, std::string name ) { children.push_back( This( s, name ) ); return children.back(); } ParseContext( Stream &s, std::string name ) : _stream( &s ), window_pos( 0 ), position( 0 ), name( name ) {} }; template< typename Token, typename Stream > struct Parser { typedef typename Token::Id TokenId; typedef ParseContext< Token, Stream > Context; Context *ctx; typedef typename Context::Fail Fail; typedef typename Fail::Type FailType; int _position; bool valid() const { return ctx; } Context &context() { ASSERT( ctx ); return *ctx; } int position() { return context().position; } void rewind( int i ) { context().rewind( i ); _position = context().position; } void fail( const char *what, FailType type = FailType::Syntax ) __attribute__((noreturn)) { Fail f( what, _position, type ); context().failures.push( f ); while ( context().failures.top().position < _position ) context().failures.pop(); throw f; } void semicolon() { Token t = eat(); if ( t.id == Token::Punctuation && t.data == ";" ) return; rewind( 1 ); fail( "semicolon" ); } void colon() { Token t = eat(); if ( t.id == Token::Punctuation && t.data == ":" ) return; rewind( 1 ); fail( "colon" ); } Token eat( TokenId id ) { Token t = eat( false ); if ( t.id == id ) return t; rewind( 1 ); fail( Token::tokenName[ static_cast< int >( id ) ].c_str() ); } #if __cplusplus >= 201103L template< typename F > void either( void (F::*f)() ) { (static_cast< F* >( this )->*f)(); } template< typename F, typename... Args > void either( F f, Args... args ) { if ( maybe( f ) ) return; either( args... ); } #else template< typename F, typename G > void either( F f, void (G::*g)() ) { if ( maybe( f ) ) return; (static_cast< G* >( this )->*g)(); } #endif #if __cplusplus >= 201103L template< typename F, typename... Args > bool maybe( F f, Args... args ) { if ( maybe( f ) ) return true; return maybe( args... ); } #else template< typename F, typename G > bool maybe( F f, G g ) { if ( maybe( f ) ) return true; return maybe( g ); } template< typename F, typename G, typename H > bool maybe( F f, G g, H h ) { if ( maybe( f ) ) return true; if ( maybe( g ) ) return true; return maybe( h ); } #endif template< typename F > bool maybe( void (F::*f)() ) { int fallback = position(); try { (static_cast< F* >( this )->*f)(); return true; } catch ( Fail fail ) { rewind( position() - fallback ); return false; } } #if __cplusplus >= 201103L template< typename F > auto maybe( F f ) -> decltype( f(), true ) { int fallback = position(); try { f(); return true; } catch ( Fail fail ) { rewind( position() - fallback ); return false; } } #endif bool maybe( TokenId id ) { int fallback = position(); try { eat( id ); return true; } catch (Fail) { rewind( position() - fallback ); return false; } } template< typename T, typename I > void many( I i ) { int fallback = 0; try { while ( true ) { fallback = position(); *i++ = T( context() ); } } catch (Fail) { rewind( position() - fallback ); } } #if __cplusplus >= 201103L template< typename F > bool arbitrary( F f ) { return maybe( f ); } // NB. Accepts any ordering of sub-parsers, some possibly more than // once. It is slightly bogus and won't catch all errors in most reasonable // languages. Avoid. template< typename F, typename... Args > bool arbitrary( F f, Args... args ) { bool retval = arbitrary( args... ); retval |= maybe( f ); retval |= arbitrary( args... ); return retval; } #endif template< typename T, typename I > void list( I i, TokenId sep ) { do { *i++ = T( context() ); } while ( next( sep ) ); } template< typename T, typename I, typename F > void list( I i, void (F::*sep)() ) { int fallback = position(); try { while ( true ) { *i++ = T( context() ); fallback = position(); (static_cast< F* >( this )->*sep)(); } } catch(Fail) { rewind( position() - fallback ); } } template< typename T, typename I > void list( I i, TokenId first, TokenId sep, TokenId last ) { eat( first ); list< T >( i, sep ); eat( last ); } Token eat( bool _fail = true ) { Token t = context().remove(); _position = context().position; if ( _fail && !t.valid() ) { rewind( 1 ); fail( "valid token" ); } return t; } bool next( TokenId id ) { Token t = eat( false ); if ( t.id == id ) return true; rewind( 1 ); return false; } Parser( Context &c ) : ctx( &c ) {} Parser() : ctx( 0 ) {} }; } } namespace brick_test { namespace parse { using namespace ::brick::parse; struct Parse { enum TokenId { Invalid, Number }; typedef brick::parse::Token< TokenId > Token; struct IOStream { std::istream &i; std::string remove() { char block[1024]; i.read( block, 1023 ); block[i.gcount()] = 0; return block; } bool eof() { return i.eof(); } IOStream( std::istream &i ) : i( i ) {} }; struct _Lexer : Lexer< Token, IOStream > { Token remove() { this->skipWhitespace(); this->match( isdigit, isdigit, Number ); return this->decide(); } _Lexer( IOStream &s ) : Lexer< Token, IOStream >( s ) {} }; TEST(lexer) { std::stringstream s; IOStream is( s ); Token t; _Lexer l( is ); s << "1 2"; t = l.remove(); ASSERT_EQ( t.id, Number ); ASSERT_EQ( t.data, "1" ); t = l.remove(); ASSERT_EQ( t.id, Number ); ASSERT_EQ( t.data, "2" ); t = l.remove(); ASSERT_EQ( t.id, Invalid ); } }; } } #endif // vim: syntax=cpp tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab