/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009 by Martin Moracek * * xmoracek@fi.muni.cz * * * * DiVinE is free software, distributed under GNU GPL and BSD licences. * * Detailed licence texts may be found in the COPYING file in the * * distribution tarball. The tool is a product of the ParaDiSe * * Laboratory, Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University. * * * * This distribution includes freely redistributable third-party code. * * Please refer to AUTHORS and COPYING included in the distribution for * * copyright and licensing details. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "settings.h" #include "ui_editorPreferences.h" #include "editorPreferences.h" #include "modules.h" namespace divine { namespace gui { // defaults EditorPreferences::EditorPreferences(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent) { ui_ = new Ui::EditorPreferences(); ui_->setupUi(this); } EditorPreferences::~EditorPreferences() { delete ui_; } void EditorPreferences::readSettings() { Settings s("ide/editor"); QFont fnt = s.value("font", defEditorFont()).value(); ui_->fontSelect->setCurrentFont(fnt); ui_->sizeSpin->setValue(fnt.pointSize()); ui_->indentSpin->setValue(s.value("tabWidth", defEditorTabWidth).toUInt()); ui_->noTabsBox->setChecked(s.value("convertTabs", defEditorConvertTabs).toBool()); ui_->indentBox->setChecked(s.value( "autoIndent", defEditorAutoIndent).toBool()); } void EditorPreferences::writeSettings() { Settings s("ide/editor"); QFont fnt(ui_->fontSelect->currentFont()); fnt.setPointSize(ui_->sizeSpin->value()); s.setValue("font", fnt); s.setValue("tabWidth", ui_->indentSpin->value()); s.setValue("convertTabs", ui_->noTabsBox->isChecked()); s.setValue("autoIndent", ui_->indentBox->isChecked()); } } }