/* Copyright 2005-2012 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ #include "TypeDefinitions.h" // Customize.h and proxy.h get included #include "tbbmalloc_internal_api.h" #if DO_ITT_NOTIFY #include "../tbb/itt_notify.h" // for __TBB_load_ittnotify() #endif #include "tbb/tbb_assert_impl.h" // Out-of-line TBB assertion handling routines are instantiated here. #undef UNICODE #if USE_PTHREAD #include #elif USE_WINTHREAD #include "tbb/machine/windows_api.h" #endif #if MALLOC_CHECK_RECURSION #include #include #include #if __sun #include /* for memset */ #include #endif #if MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD extern "C" { void safer_scalable_free( void*, void (*)(void*) ); void * safer_scalable_realloc( void*, size_t, void* ); bool __TBB_internal_find_original_malloc(int num, const char *names[], void *table[]) __attribute__ ((weak)); } #endif /* MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD */ #endif /* MALLOC_CHECK_RECURSION */ namespace rml { namespace internal { #if MALLOC_CHECK_RECURSION void* (*original_malloc_ptr)(size_t) = 0; void (*original_free_ptr)(void*) = 0; #if MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD static void* (*original_calloc_ptr)(size_t,size_t) = 0; static void* (*original_realloc_ptr)(void*,size_t) = 0; #endif #endif /* MALLOC_CHECK_RECURSION */ /** Caller is responsible for ensuring this routine is called exactly once. */ extern "C" void MallocInitializeITT() { #if DO_ITT_NOTIFY tbb::internal::__TBB_load_ittnotify(); #endif } #if TBB_USE_DEBUG #define DEBUG_SUFFIX "_debug" #else #define DEBUG_SUFFIX #endif /* TBB_USE_DEBUG */ // MALLOCLIB_NAME is the name of the TBB memory allocator library. #if _WIN32||_WIN64 #define MALLOCLIB_NAME "tbbmalloc" DEBUG_SUFFIX ".dll" #elif __APPLE__ #define MALLOCLIB_NAME "libtbbmalloc" DEBUG_SUFFIX ".dylib" #elif __FreeBSD__ || __NetBSD__ || __sun || _AIX || __ANDROID__ #define MALLOCLIB_NAME "libtbbmalloc" DEBUG_SUFFIX ".so" #elif __linux__ #define MALLOCLIB_NAME "libtbbmalloc" DEBUG_SUFFIX __TBB_STRING(.so.TBB_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_VERSION) #else #error Unknown OS #endif void init_tbbmalloc() { #if MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD if (malloc_proxy && __TBB_internal_find_original_malloc) { const char *alloc_names[] = { "malloc", "free", "realloc", "calloc"}; void *orig_alloc_ptrs[4]; if (__TBB_internal_find_original_malloc(4, alloc_names, orig_alloc_ptrs)) { (void *&)original_malloc_ptr = orig_alloc_ptrs[0]; (void *&)original_free_ptr = orig_alloc_ptrs[1]; (void *&)original_realloc_ptr = orig_alloc_ptrs[2]; (void *&)original_calloc_ptr = orig_alloc_ptrs[3]; MALLOC_ASSERT( original_malloc_ptr!=malloc_proxy, "standard malloc not found" ); /* It's workaround for a bug in GNU Libc 2.9 (as it shipped with Fedora 10). 1st call to libc's malloc should be not from threaded code. */ original_free_ptr(original_malloc_ptr(1024)); original_malloc_found = 1; } } #endif /* MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD */ #if DO_ITT_NOTIFY MallocInitializeITT(); #endif /* Preventing TBB allocator library from unloading to prevent resource leak, as memory is not released on the library unload. */ #if USE_WINTHREAD && !__TBB_SOURCE_DIRECTLY_INCLUDED // Prevent Windows from displaying message boxes if it fails to load library UINT prev_mode = SetErrorMode (SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary(MALLOCLIB_NAME); MALLOC_ASSERT(lib, "Allocator can't load ifself."); SetErrorMode (prev_mode); #endif /* USE_PTHREAD && !__TBB_SOURCE_DIRECTLY_INCLUDED */ } #if !__TBB_SOURCE_DIRECTLY_INCLUDED #if USE_WINTHREAD extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD callReason, LPVOID ) { if (callReason==DLL_THREAD_DETACH) { __TBB_mallocThreadShutdownNotification(); } else if (callReason==DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { __TBB_mallocProcessShutdownNotification(); } return TRUE; } #else /* !USE_WINTHREAD */ struct RegisterProcessShutdownNotification { // Work around non-reentrancy in dlopen() on Android #if !__TBB_USE_DLOPEN_REENTRANCY_WORKAROUND RegisterProcessShutdownNotification() { // prevents unloading, POSIX case dlopen(MALLOCLIB_NAME, RTLD_NOW); } #endif /* !__ANDROID__ */ ~RegisterProcessShutdownNotification() { __TBB_mallocProcessShutdownNotification(); } }; static RegisterProcessShutdownNotification reg; #endif /* !USE_WINTHREAD */ #endif /* !__TBB_SOURCE_DIRECTLY_INCLUDED */ #if MALLOC_CHECK_RECURSION bool original_malloc_found; #if MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD extern "C" { void * __TBB_internal_malloc(size_t size) { return scalable_malloc(size); } void * __TBB_internal_calloc(size_t num, size_t size) { return scalable_calloc(num, size); } int __TBB_internal_posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size) { return scalable_posix_memalign(memptr, alignment, size); } void* __TBB_internal_realloc(void* ptr, size_t sz) { return safer_scalable_realloc(ptr, sz, (void*&)original_realloc_ptr); } void __TBB_internal_free(void *object) { safer_scalable_free(object, original_free_ptr); } } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* MALLOC_LD_PRELOAD */ #endif /* MALLOC_CHECK_RECURSION */ } } // namespaces #if __TBB_ipf /* It was found that on IPF inlining of __TBB_machine_lockbyte leads to serious performance regression with ICC 10.0. So keep it out-of-line. This code is copy-pasted from tbb_misc.cpp. */ extern "C" intptr_t __TBB_machine_lockbyte( volatile unsigned char& flag ) { if ( !__TBB_TryLockByte(flag) ) { tbb::internal::atomic_backoff b; do { b.pause(); } while ( !__TBB_TryLockByte(flag) ); } return 0; } #endif