// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* * (c) 2017 Petr Ročkai * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #if OPT_SQL #include #include using namespace divine::ui; using namespace divine::ui::odbc; using brick::string::fmt_container; using brick::types::Union; extern const char *DIVINE_VERSION; extern const char *DIVINE_SOURCE_SHA; extern const char *DIVINE_RUNTIME_SHA; extern const char *DIVINE_BUILD_TYPE; extern const char *DIVINE_RELEASE_SHA; namespace divine::ui::odbc { using namespace nanodbc; void bind_vals( statement &stmt, Vals &vals ) { using BV = std::vector< uint8_t >; for ( int i = 0; i < int( vals.size() ); ++i ) vals[ i ].match( [&]( const std::string &v ) { stmt.bind( i, v.c_str() ); }, [&]( const BV &v ) { stmt.bind( i, std::vector< BV >{ v } ); }, [&]( const int &v ) { stmt.bind( i, &v ); } ); } statement insert( connection conn, std::string table, Keys keys, Vals &vals ) { std::stringstream q; q << "insert into " << table << " " << fmt_container( keys, "(", ")" ) << " values " << fmt_container( Keys( keys.size(), "?" ), "(", ")" ); statement s( conn, q.str() ); bind_vals( s, vals ); return s; } statement select_id( connection conn, std::string table, Keys keys, Vals &vals ) { std::stringstream q; for ( auto &key : keys ) key += " = ?"; q << "select min( id ) from " << table << " where " << fmt_container( keys, "", "", " AND " ); statement s( conn, q.str() ); bind_vals( s, vals ); return s; } int unique_id( connection conn, std::string table, Keys keys, Vals vals ) { ASSERT_EQ( keys.size(), vals.size() ); std::stringstream del_q; del_q << "delete from " << table << " where " << fmt_container( keys, "", "", " = ? AND " ) << " = ? AND id != ?"; statement ins = insert( conn, table, keys, vals ), sel = select_id( conn, table, keys, vals ), del = nanodbc::statement( conn, del_q.str() ); int id; try { execute( ins ); } catch ( nanodbc::database_error &err ) {}; auto rv = execute( sel ); rv.first(); id = rv.get< int >( 0 ); /* normally, there is a 'unique' constraint on the keyset, but if there * isn't, we need to clean up the mess */ bind_vals( del, vals ); del.bind( vals.size(), &id ); del.execute(); return id; } int get_external_build( connection conn, ExternalBuildInfo &bi ) { Keys keys{ "version", "source_sha", "runtime_sha", "build_type", "is_release" }; Vals vals{ bi.version, bi.checksum, bi.driver_checksum, bi.build_type, false }; return unique_id( conn, "build", keys, vals ); } int get_build( connection conn ) { std::string composite = std::string( DIVINE_SOURCE_SHA ) + " " + DIVINE_RUNTIME_SHA; Keys keys{ "version", "source_sha", "runtime_sha", "build_type", "is_release" }; Vals vals{ DIVINE_VERSION, DIVINE_SOURCE_SHA, DIVINE_RUNTIME_SHA, DIVINE_BUILD_TYPE, composite == DIVINE_RELEASE_SHA }; return unique_id( conn, "build", keys, vals ); } int get_machine( connection conn ) { ui::SysInfo sys; Keys cpu_keys{ "model" }; Vals cpu_vals{ sys.architecture() }; int cpuid = unique_id( conn, "cpu", cpu_keys, cpu_vals ); Keys mach_keys{ "cpu", "cores", "mem" }; Vals mach_vals{ cpuid, std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), sys.memory() }; return unique_id( conn, "machine", mach_keys, mach_vals ); } int BuildID::get_build( connection conn ) { return odbc::get_build( conn ); } int get_instance( BuildID &bp, connection conn ) { int mach = get_machine( conn ); int build = bp.get_build( conn ); Keys keys{ "build", "machine" }; Vals vals{ build, mach }; return unique_id( conn, "instance", keys, vals ); } int add_execution( BuildID &bp, connection conn ) { int inst = get_instance( bp, conn ); Keys keys{ "instance" }; Vals vals{ inst }; auto ins = insert( conn, "execution", keys, vals ); execute( ins ); auto rv = execute( conn, "select last_insert_rowid()" ); rv.first(); return rv.get< int >( 0 ); } } namespace divine::ui { struct ODBCSink : TimedSink { nanodbc::connection _conn; int _execution = -1; int _pool_seq = 0, _prog_seq = 0, _states = 0; ODBCSink( BuildID &bp, std::string str ) : _conn( str ) { _execution = odbc::add_execution( bp, _conn ); } void progress( int states, int queued, bool last ) override { TimedSink::progress( states, queued, last ); ASSERT_LEQ( 0, _execution ); Keys keys{ "seq", "execution", "states", "queued" }; Vals vals{ _prog_seq++, _execution, states, queued }; auto ins = odbc::insert( _conn, "search_log", keys, vals ); nanodbc::execute( ins ); _states = states; } void log_pool( const brick::mem::Stats &st, int pid ) { for ( auto si : st ) { odbc::Keys keys{ "seq", "execution", "pool", "items", "used", "held" }; odbc::Vals vals{ _pool_seq++, _execution, pid, si.count.used, si.bytes.used, si.bytes.held }; auto ins = odbc::insert( _conn, "pool_log", keys, vals ); ins.execute(); } } void memory( const mc::Job::PoolStats &st, bool ) override { for ( const auto &pool : st ) { odbc::Keys keys{ "name" }; odbc::Vals vals{ pool.first }; int pid = odbc::unique_id( _conn, "pool", keys, vals ); log_pool( pool.second, pid ); } } void result( mc::Result r, const mc::Trace &trace ) override { TimedSink::result( r, trace ); save_result( r ); } void save_result( mc::Result r ) { using mc::Result; nanodbc::statement update( _conn, "update execution set result = ?, time_lart = ?, " "time_load = ?, time_boot = ?, time_search = ?, " "time_ce = ?, states = ? where id = ?" ); switch ( r ) { case Result::None: update.bind( 0, "U" ); break; case Result::Error: update.bind( 0, "E" ); break; case Result::BootError: update.bind( 0, "B" ); break; case Result::Valid: update.bind( 0, "V" ); break; } int lart = _time_lart.count(), load = _time_rr.count() + _time_const.count(), boot = _time_boot.count(), search = _time_search.count(), ce = _time_ce.count(); update.bind( 1, &lart ); update.bind( 2, &load ); update.bind( 3, &boot ); update.bind( 4, &search ); update.bind( 5, &ce ); update.bind( 6, &_states ); update.bind( 7, &_execution ); update.execute(); } void set_result( mc::Result r, long states ) override { TimedSink::set_result( r, states ); _states = states; save_result( r ); } int log_id() override { return _execution; } }; SinkPtr make_odbc( BuildID &bp, std::string connstr ) { return std::make_shared< ODBCSink >( bp, connstr ); } } #endif /* OPT_SQL */