// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* * (c) 2016 Petr Ročkai * (c) 2016 Viktória Vozárová <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if OPT_SIM #include #include namespace divine { namespace str::doc { extern const std::experimental::string_view manual_sim_md; } namespace ui { using namespace std::literals; namespace cmd = brick::cmd; namespace sim { namespace command { struct WithVar { std::string var; WithVar( std::string v = "$_" ) : var( v ) {} }; struct WithFrame : WithVar { WithFrame() : WithVar( "$frame" ) {} }; struct Set { std::vector< std::string > options; }; struct WithSteps : WithFrame { bool over, out, quiet, verbose; int count; WithSteps() : over( false ), out( false ), quiet( false ), verbose( false ), count( 1 ) {} }; struct Start { bool verbose; Start() : verbose( false ) {} }; struct Break { std::vector< std::string > where; bool list; brick::types::Union< std::string, int > del; Break() : list( false ) {} }; struct StepI : WithSteps {}; struct StepA : WithSteps {}; struct Step : WithSteps {}; struct Rewind : WithVar { Rewind() : WithVar( "#last" ) {} }; struct Show : WithVar { bool raw; int depth, deref; Show() : raw( false ), depth( 10 ), deref( 0 ) {} }; struct Draw : WithVar {}; struct Inspect : Show {}; struct BitCode : WithFrame {}; struct Source : WithFrame {}; struct Thread { std::string spec; bool random; }; struct Trace { std::string from; std::vector< std::string > choices; }; struct BackTrace : WithVar { BackTrace() : WithVar( "$top" ) {} }; struct Setup { bool debug_kernel; Setup() : debug_kernel( false ) {} }; struct Exit {}; struct Help { std::string _cmd; }; } using Context = vm::DebugContext< vm::Program, vm::CowHeap >; struct Interpreter { using BC = std::shared_ptr< vm::BitCode >; using DN = vm::DebugNode< vm::Program, vm::CowHeap >; using PointerV = Context::PointerV; using Stepper = vm::Stepper< Context >; bool _exit, _batch; BC _bc; std::vector< std::string > _env; std::map< std::string, DN > _dbg; std::map< vm::CowHeap::Snapshot, std::string > _state_names; std::map< vm::CowHeap::Snapshot, std::deque< int > > _trace; vm::Explore _explore; std::pair< int, int > _sticky_tid; std::mt19937 _rand; bool _sched_random, _debug_kernel; Context _ctx; using RefLocation = std::pair< llvm::StringRef, int >; using Location = std::pair< std::string, int >; using Breakpoint = brick::types::Union< vm::CodePointer, Location >; std::vector< Breakpoint > _bps; char *_prompt; int _state_count; static bool *_sigint; void command( cmd::Tokens cmd ); char *prompt() { return _prompt; } RefLocation location( vm::CodePointer pc ) { auto npc = _bc->program().nextpc( pc ); auto insn = _bc->program().find( nullptr, npc ).first; return vm::fileline( *insn ); }; DN dn( vm::GenericPointer p, vm::DNKind k, llvm::Type *t, llvm::DIType *dit ) { DN r( _ctx, _ctx.snapshot() ); r.address( k, p ); r.type( t ); r.di_type( dit ); return r; } DN nullDN() { return dn( vm::nullPointer(), vm::DNKind::Object, nullptr, nullptr ); } DN frameDN() { return dn( _ctx.frame(), vm::DNKind::Frame, nullptr, nullptr ); } DN objDN( vm::GenericPointer p, llvm::Type *t, llvm::DIType *dit ) { return dn( p, vm::DNKind::Object, t, dit ); } void set( std::string n, DN dn ) { _dbg.erase( n ); _dbg.emplace( n, dn ); } DN get( std::string n, bool silent = false, std::unique_ptr< DN > start = nullptr, bool comp = false ) { if ( !start && n[0] != '$' && n[0] != '#' ) /* normalize */ { if ( n[0] == '.' || n[0] == ':' ) n = "$_" + n; else n = "$_:" + n; } auto split = std::min( n.find( '.' ), n.find( ':' ) ); std::string head( n, 0, split ); std::string tail( n, split < n.size() ? split + 1 : head.size(), std::string::npos ); if ( !start ) { auto i = _dbg.find( head ); if ( i == _dbg.end() && silent ) return nullDN(); if ( i == _dbg.end() ) throw brick::except::Error( "variable " + head + " is not defined" ); auto dn = i->second; switch ( head[0] ) { case '$': dn.relocate( _ctx.snapshot() ); break; case '#': break; default: UNREACHABLE( "impossible case" ); } if ( split >= n.size() ) return dn; else return get( tail, silent, std::make_unique< DN >( dn ), n[split] == '.' ); } std::unique_ptr< DN > dn_next; auto lookup = [&]( auto key, auto rel ) { if ( head == key ) dn_next = std::make_unique< DN >( rel ); }; if ( comp ) start->components( lookup ); else start->related( lookup ); if ( silent && !dn_next ) return nullDN(); if ( !dn_next ) throw brick::except::Error( "lookup failed at " + head ); if ( split >= n.size() ) return *dn_next; else return get( tail, silent, std::move( dn_next ), n[split] == '.' ); } void set( std::string n, std::string value, bool silent = false ) { set( n, get( value, silent ) ); } void update() { set( "$top", frameDN() ); auto globals = _ctx.get( _VM_CR_Globals ).pointer; if ( !get( "$globals", true ).valid() || get( "$globals" ).address() != globals ) { DN gdn( _ctx, _ctx.snapshot() ); gdn.address( vm::DNKind::Globals, globals ); set( "$globals", gdn ); } auto state = _ctx.get( _VM_CR_State ).pointer; if ( !get( "$state", true ).valid() || get( "$state" ).address() != state ) { DN sdn( _ctx, _ctx.snapshot() ); sdn.address( vm::DNKind::Object, state ); sdn.type( _ctx._state_type ); sdn.di_type( _ctx._state_di_type ); set( "$state", sdn ); } if ( get( "$_" ).kind() == vm::DNKind::Frame ) set( "$frame", "$_" ); else set( "$data", "$_" ); if ( !get( "$frame", true ).valid() ) set( "$frame", "$top" ); } void directions( std::string bad ) { if ( !bad.empty() ) throw brick::except::Error( "unknown direction '" + bad + "'" ); } void info() { auto top = get( "$top" ), frame = get( "$frame" ); auto sym = top.attribute( "symbol" ), loc = top.attribute( "location" ); std::cerr << "# executing " << sym; if ( sym.size() + loc.size() > 60 && !_batch ) std::cerr << std::endl << "# at "; else std::cerr << " at "; std::cerr << loc << std::endl; if ( frame._address != top._address ) std::cerr << "# NOTE: $frame in " << frame.attribute( "symbol" ) << std::endl; } Interpreter( BC bc ) : _exit( false ), _batch( false ), _bc( bc ), _explore( bc ), _sticky_tid( -1, 0 ), _sched_random( false ), _debug_kernel( false ), _ctx( _bc->program() ), _state_count( 0 ) { vm::setup::boot( _ctx ); _prompt = strdup( "> " ); set( "$_", nullDN() ); update(); } auto newstate( vm::CowHeap::Snapshot snap, bool update_choices = true, bool terse = false ) { snap = _explore.start( _ctx, snap ); _ctx.load( snap ); bool isnew = false; std::string name; if ( _state_names.count( snap ) ) { name = _state_names[ snap ]; if ( update_choices && _trace.count( snap ) ) _ctx._choices = _trace[ snap ]; } else { isnew = true; name = _state_names[ snap ] = "#"s + brick::string::fmt( ++_state_count ); DN state( _ctx, snap ); state.address( vm::DNKind::Object, _ctx.get( _VM_CR_State ).pointer ); state.type( _ctx._state_type ); state.di_type( _ctx._state_di_type ); set( name, state ); } set( "#last", name ); if ( terse ) std::cerr << " " << name << std::flush; else if ( isnew ) std::cerr << "# a new program state was stored as " << name << std::endl; else std::cerr << "# program entered state " << name << " (already seen)" << std::endl; return snap; } void sched_policy() { auto &proc = _ctx._proc; auto &choices = _ctx._choices; if ( proc.empty() ) return; std::uniform_int_distribution< int > dist( 0, proc.size() - 1 ); int choice = -1; if ( _sched_random ) choice = dist( _rand ); else for ( auto pi : proc ) if ( pi.first == _sticky_tid ) choice = pi.second; if ( choice < 0 ) { /* thread is gone, pick a replacement at random */ int seq = dist( _rand ); _sticky_tid = proc[ seq ].first; choice = proc[ seq ].second; } if ( choices.empty() ) choices.push_back( choice ); std::cerr << "# active threads:"; for ( auto pi : proc ) { bool active = pi.second == choices.front(); std::cerr << ( active ? " [" : " " ) << pi.first.first << ":" << pi.first.second << ( active ? "]" : "" ); } proc.clear(); std::cerr << std::endl; } void check_running() { if ( _ctx.frame().null() ) throw brick::except::Error( "the program has already terminated" ); } void run( Stepper &step, bool verbose ) { check_running(); return run( step, verbose ? Stepper::PrintInstructions : Stepper::TraceOnly ); } void run( Stepper &step, Stepper::Verbosity verbose ) { _sigint = &step._sigint; brick::types::Defer _( [](){ _sigint = nullptr; } ); RefLocation initial = location( _ctx.get( _VM_CR_PC ).pointer ); auto bp = [&]( vm::CodePointer pc, bool ch ) { if ( ch && initial.second ) if ( location( pc ) != initial ) initial = std::make_pair( "", 0 ); for ( auto bp : _bps ) if ( bp.match( [&]( vm::CodePointer bp_pc ) { if ( pc != bp_pc ) return false; auto name = _bc->program().llvmfunction( pc )->getName(); std::cerr << "# stopped at breakpoint " << name.str() << std::endl; return true; }, [&]( Location l ) { RefLocation rl = l; if ( initial.second == rl.second && rl.first == initial.first ) return false; auto current = location( pc ); if ( rl.second != current.second ) return false; if ( !brick::string::endsWith( current.first, l.first ) ) return false; std::cerr << "# stopped at breakpoint " << l.first << ":" << l.second << std::endl; return true; } ) ) return true; return false; }; if ( !step._breakpoint ) step._breakpoint = bp; step.run( _ctx, verbose ); } void go( command::Exit ) { _exit = true; } Stepper stepper() { Stepper step; step._ff_kernel = !_debug_kernel; step._sched_policy = [this]() { sched_policy(); }; step._yield_state = [this]( auto snap ) { return newstate( snap ); }; return step; } Stepper stepper( command::WithSteps s, bool jmp ) { auto step = stepper(); check_running(); if ( jmp ) step.jumps( 1 ); if ( s.over || s.out ) step.frame( get( s.var ).address() ); return step; } void go( command::Start s ) { vm::setup::boot( _ctx ); auto step = stepper(); step._booting = true; auto mainpc = _bc->program().functionByName( "main" ); step._breakpoint = [mainpc]( vm::CodePointer pc, bool ) { return pc == mainpc; }; run( step, s.verbose ); if ( !_ctx._info.empty() ) std::cerr << "# boot info:\n" << _ctx._info; set( "$_", frameDN() ); } void bplist( command::Break b ) { std::deque< decltype( _bps )::iterator > remove; int id = 1; if ( _bps.empty() ) std::cerr << "no breakpoints defined" << std::endl; for ( auto bp : _bps ) { std::cerr << std::setw( 2 ) << id << ": "; bool del_this = !b.del.empty() && id == b.del; bp.match( [&]( vm::CodePointer pc ) { auto fun = _bc->program().llvmfunction( pc )->getName().str(); std::cerr << fun << " +" << pc.instruction() << " (at " << vm::location( location( pc ) ) << ")"; if ( !b.del.empty() && !pc.instruction() && b.del == fun ) del_this = true; }, [&]( Location loc ) { std::cerr << loc.first << ":" << loc.second; } ); if ( del_this ) { remove.push_front( _bps.begin() + id - 1 ); std::cerr << " [deleted]"; } std::cerr << std::endl; ++ id; } for ( auto r : remove ) /* ordered from right to left */ _bps.erase( r ); } void go( command::Break b ) { if ( b.list || !b.del.empty() ) bplist( b ); else for ( auto w : b.where ) if ( w.find( ':' ) == std::string::npos ) { auto pc = _bc->program().functionByName( w ); if ( pc.null() ) throw brick::except::Error( "Could not find " + w ); _bps.emplace_back( pc ); } else { std::string file( w, 0, w.find( ':' ) ); int line = std::stoi( std::string( w, w.find( ':' ) + 1, std::string::npos ) ); _bps.emplace_back( std::make_pair( file, line ) ); } } void go( command::Step s ) { auto step = stepper( s, true ); if ( !s.out ) step.lines( s.count ); run( step, !s.quiet ); set( "$_", frameDN() ); } void go( command::StepI s ) { auto step = stepper( s, true ); step.instructions( s.count ); run( step, !s.quiet ); set( "$_", frameDN() ); } void go( command::StepA s ) { auto step = stepper( s, false ); step.states( s.count ); run( step, s.verbose ); set( "$_", frameDN() ); } void reach_user() { Stepper step; step._instructions = std::make_pair( 1, 1 ); run( step, false ); /* make 0 (user mode) steps */ } void go( command::Rewind re ) { auto tgt = get( re.var ); _ctx.load( tgt.snapshot() ); vm::setup::scheduler( _ctx ); if ( _trace.count( tgt.snapshot() ) ) _ctx._choices = _trace[ tgt.snapshot() ]; reach_user(); set( "$_", re.var ); } void go( command::BackTrace bt ) { vm::DNSet visited; int stacks = 0; vm::backtrace( get( bt.var ), visited, stacks, 100 ); } void go( command::Show cmd ) { auto dn = get( cmd.var ); if ( cmd.raw ) std::cerr << dn.attribute( "raw" ) << std::endl; else dn.format( std::cerr, cmd.depth, cmd.deref ); } void go( command::Draw cmd ) { std::string dot = dotDN( get( cmd.var ), true ); brick::proc::spawnAndWait( brick::proc::StdinString( dot ), "dot", "-Tx11" ); } void go( command::Inspect i ) { command::Show s; s.var = i.var; s.raw = i.raw; go( s ); set( "$_", s.var ); } void go( command::Set s ) { if ( s.options.size() != 2 ) throw brick::except::Error( "2 options are required for set, the variable and the value" ); set( s.options[0], s.options[1] ); } void go( command::Trace tr ) { auto step = stepper(); if ( tr.from.empty() ) { vm::setup::boot( _ctx ); step._booting = true; } else { _ctx.load( get( tr.from ).snapshot() ); vm::setup::scheduler( _ctx ); } _trace.clear(); std::deque< int > choices; std::set< vm::CowHeap::Snapshot > visited; for ( auto c : tr.choices ) { if ( c.find( '^' ) != std::string::npos ) for ( int i = 0; i < std::stoi( std::string( c, c.find( '^' ) + 1, std::string::npos ) ); ++ i ) choices.push_back( std::stoi( c ) ); else choices.push_back( std::stoi( c ) ); } _ctx._choices = choices; auto last = get( "#last", true ).snapshot(); std::cerr << "traced states:"; bool stop = false; step._sched_policy = [&]() { if ( _ctx._choices.empty() ) stop = true; }; step._breakpoint = [&]( vm::CodePointer, bool ) { return stop; }; step._stop_on_error = false; step._yield_state = [&]( auto snap ) { auto next = newstate( snap, false, true ); if ( visited.count( next ) ) { std::cerr << " [loop closed]" << std::flush; step._ff_kernel = false; stop = true; return next; } visited.insert( next ); int count = choices.size() - _ctx._choices.size(); auto b = choices.begin(), e = b + count; _trace[ last ] = std::deque< int >( b, e ); choices.erase( b, e ); last = get( "#last", true ).snapshot(); return next; }; run( step, Stepper::Quiet ); std::cerr << std::endl; if ( !_ctx._choices.empty() ) { std::cerr << "unused choices:"; for ( auto c : _ctx._choices ) std::cerr << " " << c; std::cerr << std::endl; } if ( !_ctx._trace.empty() ) std::cerr << "trace:" << std::endl;; for ( auto t : _ctx._trace ) std::cerr << "T: " << t << std::endl; _ctx._trace.clear(); reach_user(); set( "$_", frameDN() ); } void go( command::Thread thr ) { _sched_random = thr.random; if ( !thr.spec.empty() ) { std::istringstream istr( thr.spec ); char c; istr >> _sticky_tid.first >> c >> _sticky_tid.second; if ( c != ':' ) throw brick::except::Error( "expected thread specifier format: :" ); } } void go( command::BitCode bc ) { get( bc.var ).bitcode( std::cerr ); } void go( command::Source src ) { get( src.var ).source( std::cerr ); } void go( command::Setup set ) { _debug_kernel = set.debug_kernel; } void go( command::Help ) { UNREACHABLE( "impossible case" ); } template< typename Parser > void help( Parser &p, std::string arg ) { if ( arg.empty() ) std::cerr << str::doc::manual_sim_md << std::endl << "# Command overview" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << p.describe( arg ) << std::endl; } }; bool *Interpreter::_sigint = nullptr; char *prompt( EditLine *el ) { Interpreter *interp; el_get( el, EL_CLIENTDATA, &interp ); return interp->prompt(); } void sigint_handler( int raised ) { if ( raised != SIGINT ) abort(); if ( Interpreter::_sigint ) *Interpreter::_sigint = true; } void Interpreter::command( cmd::Tokens tok ) { auto v = cmd::make_validator()-> add( "function", []( std::string s, auto good, auto bad ) { if ( isdigit( s[0] ) ) /* FIXME! zisit, kde sa to rozbije */ return bad( cmd::BadFormat, "function names cannot start with a digit" ); return good( s ); } ); auto varopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::WithVar >( v ) .option( "[{string}]", &command::WithVar::var, "a variable reference"s ); auto breakopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::Break >( v ) .option( "[--delete {int}|--delete {function}]", &command::Break::del, "delete the designated breakpoint(s)"s ) .option( "[--list]", &command::Break::list, "list breakpoints"s ); auto showopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::Show >( v ) .option( "[--raw]", &command::Show::raw, "dump raw data"s ) .option( "[--depth {int}]", &command::Show::depth, "maximal component unfolding"s ) .option( "[--deref {int}]", &command::Show::deref, "maximal pointer dereference unfolding"s ); auto stepopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::WithSteps >( v ) .option( "[--over]", &command::WithSteps::over, "execute calls as one step"s ) .option( "[--quiet]", &command::WithSteps::quiet, "suppress output"s ) .option( "[--verbose]", &command::WithSteps::verbose, "increase verbosity"s ) .option( "[--count {int}]", &command::WithSteps::count, "execute {int} steps (default = 1)"s ); auto startopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::Start >( v ) .option( "[--verbose]", &command::Start::verbose, "increase verbosity"s ); auto stepoutopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::WithSteps >( v ) .option( "[--out]", &command::WithSteps::out, "execute until the current function returns"s ); auto threadopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::Thread >( v ) .option( "[--random]", &command::Thread::random, "pick the thread to run randomly"s ) .option( "[{string}]", &command::Thread::spec, "stick to the given thread"s ); auto setupopts = cmd::make_option_set< command::Setup >( v ) .option( "[--debug-kernel]", &command::Setup::debug_kernel, "enable kernel debugging"s ); auto o_trace = cmd::make_option_set< command::Trace >( v ) .option( "[--from {string}]", &command::Trace::from, "start in a given state, instead of initial"s ); auto parser = cmd::make_parser( v ) .command< command::Exit >( "exit from divine"s ) .command< command::Help >( "show this help, or describe a particular command in more detail"s, cmd::make_option( v, "[{string}]", &command::Help::_cmd ) ) .command< command::Start >( "boot the system and stop at main()"s, startopts ) .command< command::Break >( "insert a breakpoint"s, &command::Break::where, breakopts ) .command< command::StepA >( "execute one atomic action"s, stepopts ) .command< command::Step >( "execute source line"s, varopts, stepopts, stepoutopts ) .command< command::StepI >( "execute one instruction"s, varopts, stepopts ) .command< command::Rewind >( "rewind to a stored program state"s, varopts ) .command< command::Set >( "set a variable "s, &command::Set::options ) .command< command::BitCode >( "show the bitcode of the current function"s, varopts ) .command< command::Source >( "show the source code of the current function"s, varopts ) .command< command::Thread >( "control thread scheduling"s, threadopts ) .command< command::Trace >( "load a counterexample trace"s, &command::Trace::choices, o_trace ) .command< command::Show >( "show an object"s, varopts, showopts ) .command< command::Draw >( "draw a portion of the heap"s, varopts ) .command< command::Setup >( "set configuration options"s, setupopts ) .command< command::Inspect >( "like show, but also set $_"s, varopts, showopts ) .command< command::BackTrace >( "show a stack trace"s, varopts ); try { auto cmd = parser.parse( tok.begin(), tok.end() ); cmd.match( [&] ( command::Help h ) { help( parser, h._cmd ); }, [&] ( auto opt ) { go( opt ); } ); update(); } catch ( brick::except::Error &e ) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; return; } } } void Sim::run() { auto el = el_init( "divine", stdin, stdout, stderr ); auto hist = history_init(); HistEvent hist_ev; sim::Interpreter interp( bitcode() ); interp._batch = _batch; std::string hist_path; if ( passwd *p = getpwuid( getuid() ) ) { hist_path = p->pw_dir; hist_path += "/.divine.history"; } history( hist, &hist_ev, H_SETSIZE, 1000 ); history( hist, &hist_ev, H_LOAD, hist_path.c_str() ); el_set( el, EL_HIST, history, hist ); el_set( el, EL_PROMPT, sim::prompt ); el_set( el, EL_CLIENTDATA, &interp ); el_set( el, EL_EDITOR, "emacs" ); el_source( el, nullptr ); signal( SIGINT, sim::sigint_handler ); std::cerr << logo << std::endl; std::cerr << "Welcome to 'divine sim', an interactive debugger. Type 'help' to get started." << std::endl; while ( !interp._exit ) { interp.info(); int sz; const char *cmd_ = el_gets( el, &sz ); if ( !cmd_ || !sz ) /* EOF */ break; std::string cmd = cmd_; if ( cmd == "\n" ) { history( hist, &hist_ev, H_FIRST ); cmd = hist_ev.str; } else history( hist, &hist_ev, H_ENTER, cmd_ ); if ( _batch ) std::cerr << "> " << cmd << std::flush; /* TODO use tok_* for quoting support */ brick::string::Splitter split( "[ \t\n]+", std::regex::extended ); cmd::Tokens tok; std::copy( split.begin( cmd ), split.end(), std::back_inserter( tok ) ); interp.command( tok ); } history( hist, &hist_ev, H_SAVE, hist_path.c_str() ); history_end( hist ); el_end( el ); } } } #else namespace divine { namespace ui { void Sim::run() { throw std::runtime_error( "This build of DIVINE does not support the 'sim' command." ); } } } #endif