Introduction ============ The DIVINE project aims to develop a general-purpose, fast, reliable and easy-to-use model checker. The roots of the project go back to a special-purpose, explicit-state, asynchronous system model checking tool for LTL properties. However, rigorous development processes are in a steady decline, being displaced by more agile, flexible and dynamic methods. In the agile world, there is little place for large-scale, long-term planning and pondering on "paper only" designs, which would favour the use of a traditional model checker. The current version of DIVINE strives to keep up with this dynamic world, bringing "heavy-duty" model checking technology much closer to daily programming routine. Our major goal is to express model checking problems in a language which every developer is fluent with: the programming language of their own project. Even if you don't apply model checking to your resulting program directly, writing throwaway models makes much more sense in a language you understand well and use daily. Current versions of DIVINE provide out-of-the-box support for the C (C99) and C++ (C++14) programming languages, including their respective standard libraries. Additional libraries may be rebuilt for use with DIVINE by the user.