Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: accepted (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#87 Struct self-assignment results in assertion failure in memcpy mornfall defect major 5 years ago
#92 divine info is outdated Vladimír Štill defect minor 5 years ago

Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#24 divcc needs native libc++ and libc++abi to build C++ programs defect major fixed 6 years ago
#37 Update libc++ and libc++abi. task major fixed 6 years ago
#46 Simplify stashing mechanism Henrich Lauko feature major fixed 5 years ago
#48 Destroy symbolic formula directly when 0 reference count is reached Henrich Lauko feature major fixed 5 years ago
#78 Sigaction in enquiry mode causes unexpected error while checking defect major fixed 5 years ago
#88 VFS: Divine crashes while capturing current directory defect major fixed 5 years ago
#89 VFS: Divine crashes while capturing files created by truncate defect major fixed 5 years ago
#93 Memory leak in stdio tracing code. mornfall defect major fixed 5 years ago
#41 Faults that are suppressed should not appear in the trace defect minor fixed 6 years ago

Status: new (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#90 VFS: Divine segfaults while loading when capturing a diffutils directory defect major 5 years ago
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