Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#39 Hunt down libc functions that should be defined weak assigned blurry task minor 5.0
#64 Integrate Ballista into DiOS' testsuite. new task major 4.4
#66 Re-write addSection in terms of llvm code. new blurrymoi task major 4.4
#68 sysconf macros should be inferred via hostabi new task major 4.4
#30 Possibly move divine's version() out of UI. new mornfall feature minor 5.0
#53 divcc: Investigate and fix coreutils' ls assigned blurry defect major 4.3
#69 Fix linking with lld new blurrymoi defect major 4.4
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.