Custom Query (25 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#43 Fix thread_local accepted mornfall major 4.5 VM
#44 Multi-Threaded Performance Doesn't Scale accepted mornfall minor 5.0 other
#87 Struct self-assignment results in assertion failure in memcpy accepted mornfall major 4.3 DiOS
#92 divine info is outdated accepted Vladimír Štill minor 4.3 DiOS
#94 sim: Signed integer value is shown as unsigned. accepted Vladimír Štill major 4.4 sim
#95 sim: Integers < -5 appearing in dbg.value are discarded. accepted mornfall major 4.4 sim
#106 make: CMake does not set PYTHON_INTERP during libcxx configuration accepted Vladimír Štill major 4.4 other
#19 SYM: Spurious errors due to infeasible explicit values assigned Henrich Lauko major 5.0 LART
#26 The weakmem runtime leaks memory assigned Vladimír Štill major 5.0 DiOS
#49 Build system should check for minimal version of Z3 assigned Henrich Lauko minor 4.3 other
#53 divcc: Investigate and fix coreutils' ls assigned blurry major 4.3 divcc
#60 missing __sym_sitofp assigned Henrich Lauko major 4.3 other
#72 Termination testing our data structures assigned xstill major 5.0 other
#107 unreachable executed: unknown binary operation fp.leq assigned Henrich Lauko minor 4.4 DiOS
#6 Improve support for debugging inlined functions new mornfall major 5.0 sim
#10 Memory leak from symbolic values. new major 5.0 DiOS
#45 Add support for __atomic_* libcalls new major 5.0 DiOS
#59 Make it possible for `step --over` to stop on thread switch new mornfall major 4.3 sim
#69 Fix linking with lld new blurrymoi major 4.4 divcc
#90 VFS: Divine segfaults while loading when capturing a diffutils directory new major 4.3 DiOS
#113 make install fails for DIVINE 4.4.2 on Debian 10 new mornfall major 4.4 other
#116 Divine fails to build on distributions with recent glibc and GNU toolchain new mornfall major 4.5 other
#118 libc: isatty(3) is POSIX-nonconformant new major 4.5 DiOS
#120 Divine-4.4.2 was built failed in ubuntu 20.04 new mornfall major 4.4 other
#123 How to use the command line to check whether a C program satisfies the LTL nature new mornfall major 5.0 other
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.