Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#107 unreachable executed: unknown binary operation fp.leq Henrich Lauko defect minor 4.4 DiOS
#72 Termination testing our data structures xstill defect major 5.0 other
#62 Generate concrete counterexample from smt. Henrich Lauko feature major 4.3 MC
#60 missing __sym_sitofp Henrich Lauko defect major 4.3 other
#53 divcc: Investigate and fix coreutils' ls blurry defect major 4.3 divcc
#49 Build system should check for minimal version of Z3 Henrich Lauko defect minor 4.3 other
#47 Benchmark abstraction cleanup influence Henrich Lauko task major 5.0 DiOS
#39 Hunt down libc functions that should be defined weak blurry task minor 5.0 DiOS
#26 The weakmem runtime leaks memory Vladimír Štill defect major 5.0 DiOS
#25 Make metadata exception map lock-free adamatousek feature major 4.4 VM
#19 SYM: Spurious errors due to infeasible explicit values Henrich Lauko defect major 5.0 LART
#4 Implement exec --symbolic. adamatousek feature major 4.3 MC
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