

20:30 Ticket #56 (Showing globals does not work) created by Vladimír Štill
From Marek: DIVINE reaches abort() when trying to show a global …


10:47 Ticket #55 (Store snapshots in 2 layers.) created by mornfall
The base snapshot would change rarely or never, the 'normal' snapshot …
10:39 Ticket #54 (Split global variables by compilation unit.) created by mornfall
This would be a straightforward static heuristic and could save …


18:33 Ticket #53 (divcc: Investigate and fix coreutils' ls) created by blurrymoi
Running ls results in a Segmentation Fault both natively and in DIVINE.


19:36 Ticket #41 (Faults that are suppressed should not appear in the trace) closed by mornfall
fixed: Should be gone in next. (Static builds are borked though, I'll look …
00:09 Ticket #52 (unable to reproduce divcc/gzip hello world with divine-4.2.1+2019.02.06) closed by mornfall
fixed: I have checked in the fix. Also turns out that LLVM codegen can't deal …


16:30 Ticket #52 (unable to reproduce divcc/gzip hello world with divine-4.2.1+2019.02.06) created by Kamil Dudka
I tried to reproduce …
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