Opened 6 years ago
Closed 5 years ago
#71 closed defect (fixed)
Divine 4.3.2 Build failures
Reported by: | imartisko | Owned by: | mornfall |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | 4.3 |
Component: | other | Keywords: | |
Cc: | jamartis@…, kdudka@… |
I am trying to build the stable version of divine on Fedora 29 but I am running into two problems.
1) The LLVM_CMAKE_PATH variable in the clang/lib/basic/cmakelist.txt does not seem to be set properly during the build which causes the build to fail. When I hardcode the absolute path to llvm/cmake/modulesGetSVN.cmake, the build continues
2) The build fails during the final linking with the error message in the attached file. This only happens when I'm trying to build the release flavour (make release). When building the debug flavour, the build completes successfully.
Attachments (2)
Change History (5)
Changed 6 years ago by
comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by
comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by
Thanks for the patch, it seems to fix the issue 2). As for the issue 1), I have a git repo in the parent directory which seems to indeed be the cause of the problems. I've created a patch that introduces Makefile variable which disables these VC checks if needed (for the tarball versions of the divine, these checks should not be needed, I suppose).
Changed 6 years ago by
Attachment: | disable-VC-checks.patch added |
comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
I have disabled the VC checks unconditionally (we never actually want them anyway).
The error from 2) is fixed in the 'next' branch. If you do not want to pull it with darcs, you can apply the following diff locally:
As for 1), what is the version of 'cmake' that you are using? Do you have some sort of version control checkout that's not darcs? Seems like the module is only used if version control files exist (which normally don't).