
divine verify program.c [program arguments]


The most recent available release (as a source tarball) is divine-4.4.4.tar.gz. Binaries, nightly snapshots, and older versions are also available.


The divine toolset (to be written)…
You can read a lot more about divine in our academic papers but also on our blog.

what's new

We are currently working on version 5, which will bring considerable internal changes, support for LLVM 13+, streamlined build, and many improvements in performance and reliability. The timeline is not yet finalized, but preview releases are expected in 2022. Stay tuned.
Previously: old news.

see also

valgrind(1), asan(7), klee(1), symbiotic(1), …


The history of divine dates back to circa 2000. In its initial incarnation, it was an explicit-state distributed model checker with a dedicated, non-embedded domain-specific language: think SPIN, but in distributed memory (i.e. using resources of an entire compute cluster to tackle larger problems than a single computer could handle). The name stood for ‘distributed verification environment’ (it is not a coincidence that it was created in paradise: a ‘parallel and distributed systems laboratory’).
By 2007, the focus was shifting towards shared-memory parallelism, reflecting the trends in hardware development. In the following years, there were brief detours into GPU-based acceleration to speed up computation and into using external memories (hard drives, flash storage) to tackle state spaces that would not fit into RAM of contemporary machines.
In 2011, generating state spaces of LLVM bitcode programs became our dominant research direction. Even though distributed computation was still supported at this time, it was clearly not a priority, and was entirely removed by 2017 in the 4.0 release, along with support for half a dozen input languages. Model checking of C and C++ programs, via LLVM, was very much the main focus at this point. Verification of liveness properties, specified using LTL, got likewise sidelined – it was first dropped early in the 4.x series, though unlike support for distributed memory, limited LTL support was soon re-introduced.
Around 2016, automatic abstraction bubbled up to the top of our priority list, and has remained there since. Our method of choice was to implement abstraction as an LLVM → LLVM program transformation, and by 2019, we had a reasonably solid implementation. The semantics of abstract domains were implemented in C++ and substituted into the program by LART (LLVM Abstraction and Refinement Tool). Unfortunately, we have encountered a number of ‘impedance mismatches’ around LLVM, and both the discovery of instructions that need to be substituted, as well as the substitution itself, turned out to be fragile and complicated.
At the same time, a combination of factors (with the COVID-19 pandemic playing a prominent role) essentially ground the development effort to a halt. At the moment (spring 2022), we are slowly picking up the pieces and the pace to chart a new course and restart development.

academic use

When you refer to divine in an academic paper, we would appreciate if you could use the following reference:
  author =    {Zuzana Baranová and Jiří Barnat and Katarína Kejstová and
               Tadeáš Kučera and Henrich Lauko and Jan Mrázek and Petr Ročkai
               and Vladimír Štill},
  title =     {Model Checking of {C} and {C}++ with {DIVINE} 4},
  booktitle = {Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis},
  pages =     {201-207},
  volume =    10482,
  series =    {LNCS},
  year =      2017,
  publisher = {Springer},
  doi =       {10.1007/978-3-319-68167-2_14}


If you have comments or questions about divine, please send an email to divine at