Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: accepted (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#105 make: Move any compilation out of make install mornfall feature major 5 years ago
#106 make: CMake does not set PYTHON_INTERP during libcxx configuration Vladimír Štill defect major 5 years ago

Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#75 cmake: Build of 4.4.2 fails due to missing target dependencies mornfall defect major fixed 5 years ago
#98 testsuite: Testsuite does not use clang from Divine's toolchain Vladimír Štill defect major fixed 5 years ago
#99 The '+' character in nightly tars breaks some tests mornfall defect major fixed 5 years ago
#102 VFS: DiOS fails to boot when capturing an absolute path mornfall defect major duplicate 5 years ago
#114 divine check fails with "cannot enter kernel mode here" mornfall defect major worksforme 4 years ago
#115 make says "missing separator" on CentOS 7 mornfall defect major worksforme 4 years ago

Status: new (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#121 Where can I get the extract-llvm from? mornfall feature trivial 2 years ago
#113 make install fails for DIVINE 4.4.2 on Debian 10 mornfall defect major 4 years ago
#120 Divine-4.4.2 was built failed in ubuntu 20.04 mornfall defect major 2 years ago
#122 Verify properties described using LTL formulas mornfall feature major 17 months ago
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