If you have encountered a problem with DIVINE, please check below whether there is an active ticket for your issue. Otherwise, please login with GitHub and report your issue. Thank you.

{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (123 matches)

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4.2 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Comp Type Status
#9 Problem with cast form abstract int to abstract pointer. LART defect closed
#7 Problems with --symbolic in SV-COMP benchmarks DiOS defect closed
#2 Lazy loading / linking of DiOS bitcode. MC feature closed
#11 Implement string abstraction with 'strlen' function. LART task closed
#15 Implement strcmp for mstring domain. DiOS feature closed
#21 Implement clock_gettime DiOS feature closed
#12 Have both versions of strerror_r DiOS defect closed
#1 Fix memory leaks in DiOS DiOS defect closed

4.3 (38 matches)

Ticket Summary Comp Type Status
#90 VFS: Divine segfaults while loading when capturing a diffutils directory DiOS defect new
#89 VFS: Divine crashes while capturing files created by truncate DiOS defect closed
#88 VFS: Divine crashes while capturing current directory DiOS defect closed
#22 Use lifetime markers to move allocas LART task closed
#37 Update libc++ and libc++abi. DiOS task closed
#52 unable to reproduce divcc/gzip hello world with divine-4.2.1+2019.02.06 VM defect closed
#87 Struct self-assignment results in assertion failure in memcpy DiOS defect accepted
#54 Split global variables by compilation unit. VM task closed
#46 Simplify stashing mechanism DiOS feature closed
#78 Sigaction in enquiry mode causes unexpected error while checking DiOS defect closed
#56 Showing globals does not work sim defect closed
#61 Problems in SV-COMP other defect closed
#60 missing __sym_sitofp other defect assigned
#93 Memory leak in stdio tracing code. DiOS defect closed
#74 make static failures - Divine 4.3.2 other defect closed
#59 Make it possible for `step --over` to stop on thread switch sim defect new
#73 make install failure - Divine 4.3.2 other defect closed
#91 Make (install) enhancements other feature closed
#4 Implement exec --symbolic. MC feature assigned
#82 Help commands segmentation faults UI defect closed
#62 Generate concrete counterexample from smt. MC feature assigned
#84 FindZ3.cmake fails on Fedora other defect closed
#41 Faults that are suppressed should not appear in the trace DiOS defect closed
#65 Error message in symbolic mode other defect closed
#92 divine info is outdated DiOS defect accepted
#79 Divine help commands crash UI defect closed
#71 Divine 4.3.2 Build failures other defect closed
#77 divcc -v segfault divcc defect closed
#76 Divcc produces a broken gzip divcc defect closed
#24 divcc needs native libc++ and libc++abi to build C++ programs DiOS defect closed
#53 divcc: Investigate and fix coreutils' ls divcc defect assigned
#80 dioscc without any arguments fails with ld error divcc defect closed
#86 Dioscc produces a broken gzip binary divcc defect closed
#81 dioscc and divine cc explicitly undefine the __x86_64__ macro divcc defect closed
#48 Destroy symbolic formula directly when 0 reference count is reached DiOS feature closed
#50 Comparison of pointers in usermeta is incorrect. VM defect closed
#49 Build system should check for minimal version of Z3 other defect assigned
#36 Assign 'types' (weak, marked) to objects, not to pointers. VM task closed

4.4 (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Comp Type Status
#121 Where can I get the extract-llvm from? other feature new
#102 VFS: DiOS fails to boot when capturing an absolute path other defect closed
#122 Verify properties described using LTL formulas other feature new
#107 unreachable executed: unknown binary operation fp.leq DiOS defect assigned
#99 The '+' character in nightly tars breaks some tests other defect closed
#98 testsuite: Testsuite does not use clang from Divine's toolchain other defect closed
#85 testsuite: Some simulator tests fail consistently on Fedora sim defect closed
#68 sysconf macros should be inferred via hostabi DiOS task new
#108 symbolic: __VERIFIER_nondet_(u)int() causes a memory leak DiOS defect closed
#55 Store snapshots in 2 layers. VM task new
#94 sim: Signed integer value is shown as unsigned. sim defect accepted
#95 sim: Integers < -5 appearing in dbg.value are discarded. sim defect accepted
#66 Re-write addSection in terms of llvm code. divcc task new
#115 make says "missing separator" on CentOS 7 other defect closed
#105 make: Move any compilation out of make install other feature accepted
#25 Make metadata exception map lock-free VM feature assigned
#113 make install fails for DIVINE 4.4.2 on Debian 10 other defect new
#106 make: CMake does not set PYTHON_INTERP during libcxx configuration other defect accepted
#70 libpng tests in divine hit op != OpCode::Call in setjmp divcc defect closed
#111 libc: zero size allocations are handled improperly DiOS defect closed
#103 libc: strcpy and strncpy do not check if the strings overlap DiOS defect closed
#112 libc: perror behaves incorrectly when its input is an empty string DiOS defect closed
#100 libc: getline implementation incorrectly checks the failure of realloc DiOS defect closed
#109 libc: calloc forgets to set errno whenever it fails DiOS defect closed
#64 Integrate Ballista into DiOS' testsuite. DiOS task new
#69 Fix linking with lld divcc defect new
#114 divine check fails with "cannot enter kernel mode here" other defect closed
#120 Divine-4.4.2 was built failed in ubuntu 20.04 other defect new
#97 DiOS: Passing the debug:mainargs option results in config error in kernel DiOS defect closed
#96 DiOS: Passing the debug:faultcfg option results in null pointer dereference in kernel DiOS defect closed
#110 DiOS: -o {stdout|stderr}:notrace results in a null pointer dereference DiOS defect closed
#75 cmake: Build of 4.4.2 fails due to missing target dependencies other defect closed

4.5 (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Comp Type Status
#117 Possibility of symbolic argc + argv other feature new
#119 libc: make return value of isatty(3) user configurable DiOS feature new
#118 libc: isatty(3) is POSIX-nonconformant DiOS defect new
#43 Fix thread_local VM defect accepted
#116 Divine fails to build on distributions with recent glibc and GNU toolchain other defect new
#83 Divince check: false negative when using NULL as the first argument of the pthread_create() other defect closed

5.0 (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Comp Type Status
#51 Write a style guide. other task new
#63 Use refcount_ptr in DiOS. DiOS task new
#20 Use error output for actual errors only UI defect closed
#16 Undetected double free LART feature closed
#35 Track origins of memory objects. DiOS feature new
#26 The weakmem runtime leaks memory DiOS defect assigned
#72 Termination testing our data structures other defect assigned
#19 SYM: Spurious errors due to infeasible explicit values LART defect assigned
#33 Return the list of leaked objects back to userspace. VM feature new
#38 Report attempts to use symbolic data if symbolic is disable other defect closed
#30 Possibly move divine's version() out of UI. UI feature new
#13 pass CMake pthreads check divcc defect closed
#44 Multi-Threaded Performance Doesn't Scale other defect accepted
#8 Missing or spurious ODBC dependency bench defect closed
#10 Memory leak from symbolic values. DiOS defect new
#5 Invalid YAML report for programs with options or stdin UI defect closed
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